Monday, May 08, 2006

The Year in Review

Alright! I survived my first year on campus, there were times when I really thought that I wasn't going to make it but God is so faithful. It sure has been interesting, rewarding, and super challenging . Here are some lessons I've learned:

1. I'm no spiritual expert- I've gotta be leaning on the Lord and asking for His wisdom continually or I end up falling on my face.

2. Love is the main thing. We love them and then point them to the Ultimate Love. The biggest thing I want my girls to leave college with is a love and passion for the Lord because if they have that, they will live lives that glorify Him.

3. Don't be intimidated when people seem like they don't want to have anything to do with you. Sometimes those are actually the ones who want to be loved the most. They just don't know it. Love them until they can't do anything but accept you.

4.Simply telling someone truth does not change their heart. Jesus does! You gotta bear with them, love them and live out the gospel in front of them.

5. Don't tell people how to think. When they ask questions, ask them questions and help them come to a conclusion. (I'm still not so good at this).

6. Every student has worth and value. It doesn't matter what their social status is or whether they are a freshman or a senior. If God has placed me in their life, they deserve my time and attention. Their eternal life is alot more valuable than building a "sucessful" ministry for my own glory.

7. Don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give up- even when it feels like you've screwed everything up! His mercies really are new every morning (so get outta bed Renee).

It's been a good year. I've managed to make more mistakes than I thought was humanly possible but hey I got nothing to lose, right! My eternity is secure so I can take risks and screw up and try again (if I screw up real bad they can just fire me). I'm supposed to be here at Montevallo for 3 more years, and honestly that seems like an eternity to me but Lord help me to take it one day at a time and trust that You have called me here for such a time as this.

1 comment:

David said...

I absolutely LOVE #6 and #7...Holy life lessons batman.