Sunday, November 05, 2006

Moni Hill

This weekend we had to go on a roadtrip so we could make a video for Christmas conference. We went to Asheville, NC. Asheville is this great artsy little town nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains. They had a little outdoor market Saturday morning where I met a woman named Moni. She is a full-time stay at home mom who paints when her children are napping or down for the night. She was selling her paintings. She's got a simple one dimensional style that she pairs with bright happy colors, very much a folk artist. It was inspiring. I bought one of her small $15 pieces (I really shouldn't have since I really didn't have the money). I just couldn't talk to her and be inspired by her and not support her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just googled myself to see how my website is doing and I found your blog. HOW KIND of you. Please give me your address so that I may send you a token of my appreication! I'm still painting and it continues to go well for me-- I have people like you to thank. I am touched. Yours, Moni