Friday, January 13, 2006


Sometimes I hate being a girl. What other species of human being overanalyzes just about every normal social interaction that takes place in their lives.Yes, Yes there is this guy. Doesn't it always start that way, we flirt alot and I hate it. But secretly I like it ( I'm a glutton for punishment). Flirting sucks, I like things that are black and white and flirting is definitely grey. Some people flirt with only those that they like, and other people spill over with flirtacious energy and splash every member of the opposite sex with two legs. Either way, when someone flirts with you, you never know if there is any real interest there. I don't know how it is for guys but for girls, if the guy is a growing Christian, moderately attractive, and shows continued flirtacious attention we usually decide that he might just be an ideal dating partner. This is all very dangerous because as I'm learning slowly and painfully, flirting communicates absolutely nothing besides the fact that both parties have raging hormones. While the skilled flirter thinks that flirting will calm that rage, in fact flexing that flirtacious muscle only leaves people frustrated. There is this subtle deception, this mask we're dancing behind. You say all these flattering things behind the guise of joking and you can't help but wonder if there isn't just a little truth behind all that laughter. If you want to tell me that you want to date me, tell me. If that's the last thing you'd want to do, don't joke about it. If you're not sure but it might be a possibility in the future, again say nothing until you know. I want to marry a man who realizes the power of his careless words and actions and respects me enough to put himself on the line and tell me the truth about the way he feels. Lord, help me to be that kind of woman. It's so much easier to trade cheap silly attention for waiting faithfully and patiently for the Lord to bring along the right man at the right time.


Amanda said...

Oh, Renee ... its so true! Ugh! God, why? Why are we so crazy?!

Anonymous said...

OH RJ! How I love your are simply amazing.

Hope you have a great day!

love you.